
GEMDAT includes a dashboard to interactively select your input data and experimental parameters. This makes it straightforward to explore your data without any coding experience required.

The dashboard is available from: https://github.com/GEMDAT-repos/gemdat-dashboard

To use the dashboard, first make sure you install all the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The dashboard is available via the command:

python gemdash.py

This will start a server with a URL you can paste in your browser to visit the dashboard.


The dashboard runs in the web browser and needs a somewhat recent version of firefox or one of the other supported browsers here.

To pre-set your data, you can set the VASP_XML environment variable (useful for testing):

VASP_XML=./path/to/vasprun.xml gemdash

It is also possible to specify the file that you want to load via the commandline:

python gemdash.py --file newrun/vasprun.xml

The options of gemdat can be listed with python gemdash.py --help:

usage: gemdash [--file [FILE]] [--help]

Streamlit dashboard for easily visualizing gemdat data

  --file [FILE], -f [FILE]
                        File to load in gemdash
  --help                specify twice to print streamlit help